Five things

I got tagged by Antony from Open in Jeff Pulver’s Five Things People Don’t Know About Me game. It’s a pyramid scheme for the noughties! With the currency being what? Link equity?

 No doubt Antony or Jon will be finding a cunning way to map these links back together to work out who really is “it”.

  1. I was in a couple of bands at university, playing guitar occassionally and doing some recording and producing: Song Star and Marmalade Cat. Best writing credit was probably for “Talk to me” (a song I co-wrote about a girl I had a horrible, teenage crush on).
  2. I spent a year after A-Levels teaching maths in a rural school in Zimbabwe. No running water or electricity and lots of 22 year-olds still resitting their exams!
  3. My middle name, Alexander is the name of the street I was born on, because my parents weren’t expecting twins and had to divide the names up!
  4. I started my working life doing crappy newsgroup postings for PeopleBank (one of the first overpriced dotcoms) before a few years in “real” media!
  5. I was the Somerfield Magazine agony uncle (“Ask Tom”) answering bizarre questions on teenage relationships when I was assistant editor there.

Next in line. Five people I’d like to hear from Jon Leach; Amelia Torode; Leo, Matt and Ian at RMM (sorry if that’s cheating but it’s Christmas Eve and I’ve got wrapping to do!)